What is business@school?
business@school is an educational initiative of the international management consulting firm Boston Consulting Group (BCG). Launched in 1998 at two pilot schools in Daun (Eifel) and Hockenheim, Gemany, the initiative now involves over 1,000 senior high school students as participants each year, along with 150 motivated teachers, at approximately 70 schools in Germany, Austria, Italy, Great Britain, Albania, and Switzerland. Participating students and teachers are supported by roughly 400 volunteer coaches from 20 partner companies and BCG.
Press releases
Which team did the best job of presenting its business idea? And which team won the Finals?
You'll find all of our press releases here.
Fact sheet
Facts and numbers at a glance
Interview with Babette Claas, Head of business@school, on the initiative's goals, motivations, and successes
Learn more
You'd like to find out more about business@school or have questions about participating students' business ideas?
We look forward to hearing from you!
Katharina Wachter
Phone: +49 170 3344 327
E-mail: presse@~@businessatschool.de